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The South African economy finds itself at a crossroads, choosing between economic growth or an economy in free fall. At this crossroads, youth unemployment rates hover around 64% with access to education, business opportunities and other developmental opportunities remaining limited.

In the face of these predicaments, SAYEC exists to serve as an economic and legal policy advocacy group that promotes youth participation and integration in the economy. We seek to create and promote a transformed economy where youth become central to economic growth and job creation. 



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Attempts to establish and promote a new economy in which young people are at the center of economic growth and job creation.

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SAYEC serves as an economic and legal policy advocacy group that promotes youth participation and integration in the economy.

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  • Wage a relentless war against youth unemployment

  • Create and influence meaningful economic change to the lives of ordinary young South African.

  • Build an economy that resonates and appreciates the demographics of the country. One which is non-racial & non-sexist.

  • Advocate for the development of Skills, with the purpose of placing young people at the centre of the agenda to grow the South African economy.

  • Create and facilitate economic and broad socio-political dialogues and event discussions that place youth at the centre

  • Create and reform economic and socio-political legislative policy

  • Facilitate youth empowerment workshops and exhibitions

  • Retain the agenda of free higher education at the centre of youth empowerment.

  • Put an end to the marginalisation of young people in rural communities.

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